Scale-Up and Replicability of the REACT Solution for Larger Islands In recent years, decarbonising electricity has become an important issue for the future of island territories. Thus, to 14 de April de 2021
Renewable Energy Systems for La Graciosa Today, photovoltaic solar technologies are a way to transform the energy that comes from the sun into electrical 6 de April de 2021
The Flexibility of Heat Pumps for Demand Response on the Aran Islands Dr. Gerhard TOTSCHNIG, Dr. Demet SUNA AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Giefinggasse 2 1210 Vienna/AustriaT: +43 664 31 de March de 2021
The Energy Transition of San Pietro Today, islands significantly rely on fossil fuel importation or power interconnections with continental energy suppliers. This dependency is 10 de March de 2021
How Can Households Benefit from Demand Response? Demand Response is a great way for making electricity grids stronger and more stable. This is very important 4 de March de 2021
The First Step on the Road Towards Energy Sustainable Islands Although it may not be apparent at first glance, small geographical islands are, metaphorically speaking, prisoners of their 3 de February de 2021
Understanding Demand Response to Save Energy Did you know that you can play your role in reducing carbon emissions and help the environment? What 13 de January de 2021
The REACT Team Met Virtually Today for Its 4th General Assembly! The REACT partners met today, November 24th, for its fourth General Assembly in order to review and present 25 de November de 2020
REACT Video Is Already Available in Multiple Languages! As you know, REACT is a 4-year research project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, aiming to 23 de November de 2020