6th General Assembly in Soave

Soave has been a perfect place to host the 6th General Assembly in a hybrid mode, after the long break in face to face meetings due to the Covid-19. It has been a productive and inspiring meeting for the whole consortium. Advances in the installation in all three pilots have been reported and we can say now that the implementation of software and hardware technologies are advancing at a good rate after the problems in the last couple of years. The pandemic period obviously affected the rhythm for the material installation an all three pilots in public and private buildings alike.

Test on some of the systems configuration, integration nd validation of residential systems are proceeding the deployment of connection between the components on the react platform integration scenarios for heat pumps and the other technologies. We also talked about the adaptability of the REACT solution. We all agreed on the importance of engagement and how a good technological design and development can help technology adoption by prospective users.

An important reflection sprout on the current functionality presented by the use cases and how some of them need to be validated and how different all stakeholder are represented and their needs reflected in the use cases for their validation. In turns these will be reflected on the application design and configuration so for example a user can decide on the information rewarding future and savings related to current energy consumption.

All these efforts should lead to the more general objective of promoting energy transition, and to do that information should be presented in a understandable and easy to act upon manner. Therefore it seems necessary to adapt the messages and use the correct channels, tools and interfaces to achieve the ultimate project objectives across the general population.

The consortium also talked about the PESTEL analysis carried out in the pilots countries and we all got insights about the legal and social situations in all three islands. It is important that a the message reaches the general populations and also generates business opportunities as well as energy transition and energy community awareness.

On the last afternoon we visited our host installations MIDAC, where we were guided through the factory and we were informed about the batteries production process. We are very thankful to MIDAC personnel for such a great didactic experience carried out in the most pleasant and effective way. It was very satisfying to get in direct contact with the batteries manufacturing process and being explained by their producers the bits and bobs of the process.

Now we are looking forward to the next months developments and its presentations in the next meeting when tangible results will be exposed
