The Italian cluster (Midac, Mitsubishi Electric Italia, R2M, together with Western) visited, from the 20th till the 22nd of October, the Italian pilot: San Pietro island. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the REACT project did not stop and the partners kept working for the development of island energy communities. The purpose of the visit was to collect all the specific information necessary to determine the most suited type, model, and capacity of the technologies to be installed (heat pumps and batteries) according to the dwelling’s characteristics and participant’s habits and needs. The visit was also fundamental to analyse the feasibility of the installation, talking with the participants and visiting the dwellings to evaluate the available spaces and define with the inhabitants the most appropriate position, based on technical requirements and their preferences.

During the three-day visit, the partners also went to the public buildings involved in the project, inspected the smart meters installed, which are already sending data to the REACT platform, and met the technical engineer involved in the project from the Municipality of Carloforte. The conversation ranged from the technical issues and the different possibilities of installation for the energy improvement of each of the dwellings to the importance and benefits of participating in the local energy community.

The visit was a step forward! More than 30 dwellings were surveyed and many others expressed their interest in participating in the REACT project and will be evaluated in the next months. We look forward to reaching more citizens and growing, even more, San Pietro’s energy community! If you are interested in participating, contact us at the following email: