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Articles & Papers


Estudio exploratorio sobre aspectos éticos en un proyecto de investigación sobre energías renovables 297.11 KB 47 downloads

También disponible en Dilemata (open access). Título: Estudio exploratorio sobre...

Transfer learning applied to DRL-Based heat pump control to leverage microgrid energy efficiency 1.39 MB 57 downloads

Also available for download in ScienceDirect (open access). Title: Transfer learning...

A Decentralized Informatics, Optimization, and Control Framework for Evolving Demand Response Services 9.74 MB 50 downloads

Also available for download in MDPI (open access). Title: A Decentralized Informatics,...

The Transition to Clean Energy: Are People Living in Island Communities Ready for Smart Grids and Demand Response? 2.16 MB 78 downloads

Also available for download in Energies (open access). Title: The Transition to...

Transition towards decarbonisation for islands: Development of an integrated energy planning platform and application 5.69 MB 87 downloads

Also available for download in Science Direct (open access). Title: Transition...

EEPSA as a core ontology for energy efficiency and thermal comfort in buildings 492.33 KB 219 downloads

Title: PREPRINT: EEPSA as a core ontology for energy efficiency and thermal comfort...

Towards Self-Sustainable Island Grids through Optimal Utilization of Renewable Energy Potential and Community Engagement 470.46 KB 142 downloads

Title: Towards Self-Sustainable Island Grids through Optimal Utilization of Renewable...